People suffering from this rare condition tend be be very nervous around money or transactions of financial nature. As a result of this, such people are very bad with investments and often stack away large amounts of cash at home. If you do indeed have any of the symptoms of Chrematophobia then you should try speaking to a counsellor or seek professional help regarding managing your investments. In fact, its good to try and invest in safer modes of investments in small amounts to overcome the phobia and gain confidence. Unlike some other forms of phobias, Chrematophobia is completely curable and can be overcome in a matter of couple of months.
Nice term. Never heard about it before. :)
Which are the safe modes of investment you are talking about here ?
the modes of investment will vary depending on the individual. But usually people suffering from Chrematophobia tend to get nervous around modern investment instruments due to the phobia and lack of understanding.
A safe mode can be a simple reccuring deposit or a fixed investment plan or something as simple as buying jewellery.
nice blog visit my
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