Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sports Exchange: Michael Phelps Worth $100 Million

It is not new for the world of finance and investments to add an element of gambling to an innovative mode of investment. Take for instance weather derivatives, or power exchange which is proposed to be launched in India in the near future. Many say that India will soon have a mutual fund exchange where NAVs of all listed mutual funds will be actively traded.
But what would be really unique with a little bit of celebrity zing? A sports exchange!! Many US consultants believe that the future will see sports exchanges where players will be actively traded based on their net worth. The different sports will mimic sectors in the stock market and the star players mimic the blue chip stocks. They are also of the opinion that soon we will also see something known as the goodwill exchange where the seemingly difficult to value "goodwill" of companies will be traded.

So if this were to happen, who would I bet my money on?

Michael Phelps has so far won eight Gold medals at Beijing Olympics and has been tagged as the "most dominant Olympic athlete ever". He is already endorsing Visa and his agents say that they are getting as many as 50 calls a day from companies for endorsements. He is estimated to be worth $100 million right now. That would fetch me a high NAV if he were listed.


Cognition said...

this is nice! Isn't it ironical that even earlier people were traded...but as slaves and now the celebs are being traded for...

Rahul said...

ya...the idea of a sports exchange and a goodwill exchange in future intrigues me..

Unknown said...

good one rahul