Monday, August 18, 2008

Musharraf Falls: Mugabe Won't Let Go

Thanks to these 2, Pakistan and Zimbabwe in their own particular way have seen saddening times. People in Islamabad today celebrated when Perevez Musharraf stepped down. It is said that he is the most disliked leader in Pakistan's history.

During his reign, Parvez Musharraf's actions caused the country millions of dollars in tourism and communal damage. Not far away, another part of the world saw a tyrant still hell bent on not letting go of the leash. After a 2 day summit in Johannesburg, Robert Gabriel Mugabe said that he is OK with a power sharing government. Mugabe is ruling Zimbabwe by the gun even though he lost the general elections held earlier. Thanks to him, the country is trapped with overwhelming inflation, poverty and civil unrest.

With Musharraf gone, earth will probably a better place and Pakistan a better country to do business with. I personally think that Zimbabwe in 5 years can rise from the ashes, provided Mugabe meets his doom. With these 2 less of a threat now for the world, the global economy is bound to see brighter days.

1 comment:

Deeptaman Mukherjee said...

I sometime back read an article on Rediff that stated Zimbabwe's inflation rate is 355,000 percent. yeah, its true.

God, Please Help Zimbabwe & Mugabe.

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